Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Topologi Jaringan


Pengertian, macam-macam topologi jaringan komputer ~ Saat ini sudah banyak sekali pengguna perangkat topologi jaringan komputer, terutama di perkantoran dan sebagainya. Penggunaannya sangat membantu upaya mempermudah akses suatu data ke server secara bersamaan. Hal inilah yang merupakan alasan utama pembentukan topologi jaringan komputer tersebut. Dan seiring dengan perkembangan jaringan maka berkembang pula macam-macam topologi jaringan komputer tersebut.

Jumat, 18 September 2015

Sejarah Jaringan komputer

Sejarah Jaringan Komputer

Jaringan Komputer

Jaringan Komputer adalah sekumpulan Komputer dan peripheral komputer yang saling berhubungan membentuk satu kesatuan untuk dapat berbagi pakai baik berupa data (hardisk, cdroom), komunikasi (pesan instant, surel), sumber daya (printer, scanner), dan informasi (website) baik yang berada dalam satu area ataupun barlainan area dengan jarak yang sangat luas.
Dikatakan jaringan komputer apabila terdapat minimal dua buah komputer yang saling berhubungan, baik dengan menggunakan media kabel maupun tanpa kabel. Apabila akan membangun jaringan dengan dua buah computer kita bisa menggunakan satu buah kabel sebagai media penghubungnya, akan tetapi jika lebih dari dua buah computer kita memerlukan terminal penghubung yang disebut HUB/SWITCH.

How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?

How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?

Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting child’s favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details.
Serve meals with small portions

Food for Healthy

Food for Healthy
The food that we have eaten seems to have profound effects on our healthy. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit and delicious to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods are not healthy to be eaten. Some research has shown that perhaps seventy percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty two percent of cancer related to the diet also, especially cancer of the liver. Many people from different culture are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they have consumed.

The 5 Most Beautiful Natural Scenery in Indonesia

The 5 Most Beautiful Natural Scenery in Indonesia

As a nation which is situated in the most deliberately place on the planet, Indonesia is enriched with such a large number of delightful natures from the end of west to the end of east. Those dazzling Landscape are given by our mom arrive as though it will never run out. Beginning from a line of mountains, valleys, oceans, lakes, timberlands and some more, which are holding up to be investigated.
Among the horde of those delightful nature, the writer will attempt to outline the loveliest scene which is claimed by Indonesia in this article. Here are 5 places that have the most lovely common landscape and should be gone by for making the most of its remarkable perspective.

3 Ways to Treat an Air Conditioner in Avoiding Disease

3 Ways to Treat an Air Conditioner in Avoiding Disease

When you use a home air conditioner, do not forget to take care of on a regular basis. Because when AC is not treated regularly and carefully, it will have a bad air and becomes a place to spread the disease. The dirty AC can store a variety of viruses and bacteria that continuously spread throughout the room. It also enters into the smell of the inhabitants. As a result, the occupant will experience pain or repeated infections. The following treatments below should you do in order to make AC work optimally and be durable.

Benefits of Education from an Online High School

Benefits of Education from an Online High School
Whether you are an adult who never completed your primary education or the parent of a child in need of special attention and flexibility, getting a diploma from an online high school may be the right choice for you. With this option, you will have a number of benefits. You will be able to take control of your education. You can learn everything you would be taught in a classroom in the comfort of your own home. You can take charge of the decisions that you make and the path that you will take during your education.

Global Warming and the solutions

                                           Global Warming and the solutions
Global Warming became the most hot issue in entire the world. The effect of Global Warming is very dangerous for the environment. But, there are still a lot of people who think about the global warming as just the issue and it is never make an effect to our Earth in the future. Though, there are a lot of signs from the nature that arise as the bad effect of Global warming.

Keeping Skin Healthy and Beautiful, Do not Need Expensive!

Keeping Skin Healthy and Beautiful, Do not Need Expensive!
Many women are willing to do anything to get healthy and beautiful skin. Not infrequently they are happy to pay big to keep her skin healthy and beautiful.
This phenomenon can be seen in women today. They spent more time in places of beauty for beauty care for to stay awake. Pinch ourselves had been the nature of a woman. But keep in mind, do not do something excessive because it was not good and prohibited by religion.
To restore naturalness for healthy and beautiful skin does not have to require a large fee but there is way easier, cheaper, and of course healthy. Here are some secrets to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

Minggu, 13 September 2015

Shanghai is Number One in World Education Rankings

Shanghai is Number One in World Education Rankings
A   global   educational   study   called PISA (Program for International   Assessment ) tests over 500,000 pupils in over 70 countries every three years. The 2010 results showed that pupils in Shanghai are the world’s best in reading mathematics and  science . PISA studies 15 year olds and their   abilities in the three fields.  The study did not rank China as a whole but Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macao as   separate   countries.

South Korea Switches to Digital Textbooks in the Classroom

South Korea Switches to Digital Textbooks in the Classroom
South Korea is planning change from paper to digital textbooks in the next few years. All content of South Korea’s school subjects will be available on PC’s, iPads and mobile phones by 2015. The education department has announced that South Korea is preparing for a new digital revolution that will change schools of the future.

Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull
For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

Sabtu, 05 September 2015

Perangkat input komputer

Perangkat Input
Perangkat input komputer (perangkat masukan atau input devices) adalah perangkat yang digunakan untuk memasukkan data-data dan memberikan perintah pada komputer untuk digunakan pada proses lebih lanjut. Perangkat input merupakan bagian dari perangkat keras komputer (hadware). Berikut adalah beberapa perangkat masukan komputer tersebut.

Perangkat Output Komputer

Perangkat Output
Perangkat output atau alat output adalah perangkat komputer yang digunakan untuk menampilkan atau menyampaikan informasi kepada penggunanya. Informasi yang ditampilkan oleh komputer merupakan hasil dari pemrosesan yang telah dilakukan oleh komputer.
Bagian Bagian Perangkat Komputer ( Input Dan Output )

Kata monitor adalah istilah Latin untuk pengingat atau penyaran. Penggunaan kata ini yang banyak ditulis di bawah. Yang berfungsi untuk Menampilkan segala aktifitas yang berada di dalam komputer atau sebagai tampilan program

Sejarah Komputer

Komputer Generasi pertama

komputer generasi pertama

Komputer generasi pertama adalah ENIAC, yang merupakan komputer elektronik pertama didunia yang mempunyai bobot seberat 30 ton, panjang 30 M dan tinggi 2.4 M dan membutuhkan daya listrik 174 kilowatts. Komputer generasi pertama ini menggunakan Tabung hampa udara (vacum-tube) yang terbuat dari kaca untuk penguat sinyal. Namun hal tersebut masih banyak mempunyai kendala seperti: mudah pecah, dan cepat menyalurkan panas.